
Friday, 6 August 2010

Challenge 6 Winners

Well its time for a new challenge and wow we had some great entries this week thankyou to everybody for playing along,but i haveto admit I am so pleased we didnt have to pick we used the RNG to do that for us to be fair all around, and here is the winner of the  Little Diva Images

A Touch of Pink
See all the photos on her blog above

The Top three who can display our I Made Top 3 Badge are (In no particular order)

Twinkles glow with stamps

Lo Lo

Ms Plums Place

A Huge thankyou again and i hope you all come play again next week :)


  1. Congrats ladies! WoW...thx for picking my card at Top 3. I will display the badge on my blog proudly :o)


  2. Congrats, ladies! Thanks for playing with us!

  3. Congrats, Ladies! I'm looking forward to seeing more work from you, in future challenges.
